Author Archives: Andrew Sabai
Foggy Lake Morning: Photo of the Week
A peaceful and quiet, except for bird song, morning on a small Wisconsin lake in Forest County. Getting up early often pays dividends in getting good photos and seeing wary wildlife. On this morning I was certainly not up early, … Continue reading
Lake Poygan Blue-green Algae Bloom
Although the temperature has not been excessively hot, blue-green algae blooms are in full swing on the Lake Winnebago System. Everything is in place for such algae blooms: warm temperatures, calm weather and excessive nutrients in the water. Many types … Continue reading
Wood Turtle Road Crossing: Photo of the Week
The wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) is a long-lived species that primarily lives in river bottoms, frequenting both the streams and surrounding areas. The wood turtle is omnivorous its diet consists mostly of plants, but also slow-moving animal prey. The species … Continue reading
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Killdeer, have a strange name. The little birds have nothing to do with deer, or killing except for there food which is mainly insects and crustaceans. The name comes from their call which sounds something like kill-deer, kill-deer; kind of … Continue reading
Stuck in a Weather Pattern
Seems like we are stuck in a roundabout of rain. Every day seemingly has a fairly good chance of rain, especially on those days when I have to work. Working on a lake and getting caught in a quickly developing … Continue reading
Late Season Lakeshore – Photo of the Week
On this first official day of summer for some reason, I have decided to post a photo from the last day of summer, or at the latest early fall. I suppose it is a reminder to enjoy summer while it … Continue reading
Runoff On Lake Butte des Morts: Photo of the Week
This photo was taken June 2, 2014 as we were preparing to launch a boat at Sammer’s Bay, Lake Butte des Morts. The water is not supposed to be terracotta brown. The water is the result of heavy rains the … Continue reading
Deltox Marsh
Deltox Marsh in Winnebago County, Wisconsin is a relatively small shallow marsh, wetland restoration/enhancement. This wetland was formally owned by the Deltox Grass Mat Company of Oshkosh. The company manufactured grass rugs for export all around the United States. The … Continue reading
Paper Wasp Wood Harvest – Photo of the Week
Paper Wasps pretty much live anywhere they have a dry place to make their nests. To many people’s dismay, it is often under the eaves of their houses and garages. They make these nests by harvesting thin strips of weathered … Continue reading
Encounter with a Painted Turtle Hatchling
The other day I was launching my boat into Lake Puckaway to start work. As I worked to free the boat from the trailer I noticed something swimming in the water below. It was a tiny painted turtle hatchling more … Continue reading