Author Archives: Andrew Sabai
Burn Baby Burn, Prescribed Marsh Burn
I was driving home today when I noticed black clouds of smoke coming from the Rush Lake area. I thought marsh might be on fire and turned in that direction to investigate. Sure enough, the cattail marsh at Uihein Waterfowl … Continue reading
Northern Pike (Esox luscious) Spawning Migration
The Northern Pike (Esox luscious) is a voracious predator primarily of fish, but pretty much anything else it can fit down its throat, from frogs to muskrats. The fish typically live in the shallower parts of lakes and slower moving … Continue reading
Bird Surveys on Lake Butte des Morts: New Video
Improved and combined several of my YouTube videos from a while back, of bird surveys on Lake Butte des Morts into one. Full description of the video below. ON THIS VIDEO:1) American White Pelican chick and egg2) Walking through … Continue reading
The Power of Ice
In Wisconsin, we should know better, but we forget that ice is power. Our lakes like to remind us of this, with crystalline beauty and the crushing power of ice with the wind at its back. Winnebago was gouged out … Continue reading
Windthrown Tree – Photo of the Week
Trees that grow in wetlands like this hardwood swamp have shallow root systems making them prone to being pushed over by strong winds. When I tree tips over (tipups) like this Green Ash tree, in this manner, it digs a … Continue reading
River Otters’ Curiosity
Sometimes wildlife is just as interested in you as you are in it. On a September camping trip with the family, I was sitting around the fire, gazing across the lake. It was late morning, the lake was calm, and … Continue reading
Emmons Creek Winter Walk
I like winter, but there comes a time when winter has lost its magic, and I feel it is time to move on with the seasons. I want to see animal life and green plants. The winter is rather dull. … Continue reading
Waiting for the Sun Again
Photographers spend a lot of time waiting for the sun to rise. The so-called “magic hour,” when light can be amazing, is often coincided to be 1/2 hour before and a 1/2 hour after sunset. On a frigid November morning … Continue reading
New Blog
Welcome to the Lake and Wetland Ecosystems Blog. This is the new home of the Winnebago Conservation Photography blog and will include content expanded to all lake and wetland topics, including an expanded geographic area to include the entire mid-west. … Continue reading
Snowy Owl Sighting
An irruption of Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) arrived in Wisconsin a while back and there are at least a few in the Oshkosh area. This one was seen on Lake Butte des Morts on December 30th. Unfortunately, I had to disrupt … Continue reading